Last change: 2007-10-15
Browser Compatibility

On this page I collected various browser compatibility nits and picks that
I care about. This mostly includes standards compliance in very grey and
as-of-yet-underused areas like character set conversion.
Form Data Submittal
- accept-charset
- Does the browser correctly parse & use the
accept-charset attribute of the form element (ok) or is
it being ignored (notok).
- encoding
- If your page is coded in utf-8, how does the browser
return form data in string entries, does it use the document character
(ok) or does it transmit something else (notok).
- content-type
- Does the browser transmit a Content-Type
(including a charset argument) (ok) or is the interpretation of the data
totally left to the application (notok)?
- uri-enc
- When the browser submits the arguments for a
GET-request, will it use the document encoding (aletrnatively: specify the
encoding it used) (ok) or will it use something else (notok).
Browser | accept-charset | encoding | content-type | uri-enc | notes
Lynx 2.8.2rel.1 (01 Jun 1999)
| notok
| ok
| ok
| ok
| ok
Netscape 4.76 Linux
| notok
| ok
| notok
| ok
| ok
MSIE 5.0
| notok
| ok
| notok
| ok
| ok
w3m 0.1.3
| notok
| ok
| notok
| notok
| notok
Netscape 6.0 Linux
| ok
| ok
| notok
| ok
| ok
Amaya 4.0
| crash
| crash
| crash
| crash
| crash
Konquerer KDE 2.0
| notok
| notok
| notok
| notok
| notok
Opera 5.06b6/Linux
| notok
| notok
| notok
| notok
| notok

Any questions/hints/critics? Contact the author of this page!