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Last change: 2007-10-15


PApp is a framework for developing multi-page web applications in perl that preserve state across page views. It also tracks user id's, supports a user access system and provides many utility functions (html, sql...).


Advantages and Disadvantages of using PApp

I've put the slides for my linuxworld presentation on the docs page.

Please see also the document I wrote for one of my presentations about PApp, which enumerates the most important features quite nicely.








PApp is available on any CPAN mirror. Anonymous CVS access is available on request.

Among other things, you need perl-devel.



Below are the first sixty-four lines of the Changes file, taken directly off my harddisk, so this is the most up-to-date thing on PApp you can imagine.

--- CUT ---


Any questions/hints/critics? Contact the author of this page!