Questions? Bugs? Support!

Last change: 2002-01-26


Problems with this WWW-Server or the data on it

If you have problems with this www-server (getting incorrect files, not getting a file at all, patch didn't apply correctly etc..), please contact Marc Lehmann <>. But don't forget to include the name of the server you refer to, we have many mirror servers all over the world.


What should I do before sending a bug report?

What to put in a bug-report

I had to put this first... we got far too many incomplete bug-reports.


Questions on PentiumGCC

If you have any problems installing gcc using gcc or getting rid of gcc, there are a number of possibilities for you:


Bug reports


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Problems? Look at this page, to see how we can solve them.

Did you know that your Browser is buggy: it can't parse comments correctly. -->